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People who like Satellite 1 also like...


Orbital (Eastercon 2008)

Radisson Edwardian Hotel, London, 21 - 24 March. http://www.orbital2008.org

LX (Eastercon 2009)

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford, 10 - 13 April, 2009. http://www.lx2009.com

Eurocon 2007

The 29th annual European SF convention: Valby Medborgerhus, Copenhagen, 21st - 23rd September 2007. http://www.eurocon2007.dk/en/

Redemption '09

Britannia Hotel, Coventry, 20 - 22 February, 2009. http://www.conventions.org.uk/redemption/hotel.html

Other Events

Glasgow Science Centre Evening Lectures

The Glasgow Science Centre run a series of evening lectures once a month. The latest info can be found at http://www.glasgowsciencecentre.org/spplecture.aspx

There is an evening lecture 2 days before the convention at 1900 on Thursday 04 October 2007, presented by Stuart Clarke, author of "Sun Kings". Further details will be posted on the GSC website in late September.

Space Settlers Sputnik Celebration

The Space Settlers Society are having a party on the evening of 4th October in the Bon Accord. No fixed programme or time -- just turn up, drink beer and have fun.

Clubs and Organisations

"London Circle"

An open meeting held on the first Thursday of each month. http://news.ansible.co.uk/london.html


The official Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Appreciation Society. http://www.zz9.org/

Electrical Eggs UK

A fan-run, non-profit making organisation, providing information and support to help SF event organisers to run an accessible convention for anyone affected by physical disabilities, either permanent or temporary. http://www.electrical-eggs.org.uk/

Con Listings

Chris "The Magician" O'Shea's smof.com

The original con listing site; may occasionally suffer from lack of updates. http://www.smof.com.

Wilf's International Con Listings

If it's not on Chris' site, it's here: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/wilf.james/i_conlist.htm.